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I'm An Electric Lampshade

John Clayton Doyle

BEST OF FESTIVAL - Sponsored by Center Square Realty

96 min | 2020 | US | Boston Premiere 

Doug McCorkle a buttoned-up, mild mannered corporate accountant who retires at age 60 to become the world’s least likely rock star is an offbeat doc-narrative-music film that demands a genre of its own. His openness to pursuing dreams well outside of his comfort zone, both in far-away places and with various people and cultures (including LBGTQ) is refreshing and inspiring, and his struggles to achieve his dreams lay bare his inner doubts and fears. By the end of the final concert, filmed before thousands in Mexico City’s La Plaza Condesa, we are in love with Doug, his bravery and his heart. His journey and final transformation leave us with proof that it is never too late to pursue your dreams!

Awards: Feature Award Winner - Ignite Film Festival; Official Selections: Flickers’ Rhode Island Int’l, Doc Edge, Albuquerque Film & Music Experience, The Romford, FICAH, Doc Edge, Barnes, Cinequest Film & VR, Winter Film Awards International.


Jamiel Laurence

10 min | 2020 | UK | Experimental | US Premiere

A meditation on the idea of looking at dance from the outside in. Dancers of Glasgow come to terms with their current state of inactivity during the isolation lockdown of 2020 and dance creators are forced to find new ways to develop and share their work.