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The Great Atchafalaya Basin

Mark Knight

9 min | 2020 | US | New England Premiere

The Great Atchafalaya Basin showcases the efforts to save the Atchafalaya Basin, highlighted with stunning visuals of this largest wetland in the United States. Located in south central Louisiana, it is a combination of wetlands and river delta area where the Atchafalaya River and the Gulf of Mexico converge. Despite being the most important habitat for migratory birds in the Northern Hemisphere, one of the most productive wetlands in the world, and the last of its kind in North America, the Atchafalaya Basin is under siege.

Awards: Best Short Film – Discovery Int’l Fest of Film & Story (Online), Mile High Int’l FF, Hollywood Gold Awards (US), Imagine Rain Independent Film Awards (CA US).

Official Selections: Florence Film Awards (Italy), Int’l Short Film Awards, New York Movie Awards (US), Milan Gold Awards (Italy), Tokyo Int’l Short FF (Japan),