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Pony Boys

SATURDAY | 8:30pm

Eric Stange

25 min | 2022 | USA

Outstanding MA Filmmaker | RULE Camera Boston Award 

Summer, 1967. Two young Massachusetts brothers – ages 9 and 11 – set off on an improbable journey with their family pet, a Shetland pony named King. Tony and Jeff Whittemore are desperate to visit Expo ’67 in Montreal – the largest World’s Fair ever but their parents can’t take them. Then Mom comes up with the solution: hitch King to a pony cart and drive 350 miles to Expo '67 – on their own – at 5 m.p.h.! For Tony and Jeff, the journey becomes the adventure of a lifetime.

Awards: Special Jury Winner at Independent Film Festival Boston, USA; Acquired by The New York Times Op-Docs

Screenings: Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival, USA; Mountainfilm Festival, USA; Flickers RI International Film Festival; USA.

Followed by Q&A with Filmmaker Eric Stange & Jeff Whittemore