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AIFF KICK-OFF: An Homage to the Serbian Community in Boston



For the past 7 seasons, the Arlington International Film Festival (AIFF) has curated a festival in October that celebrates the very best of new local, national, and international films for audiences to enjoy. AIFF’s Selection Committee watches hundreds of submissions each year and is delegated with the task of choosing films that represent the creative in storytelling and technical execution while holding to the festival’s mission of fostering an appreciation for different cultures by exploring the lives of people around the globe through independent film. Each year brings forth amazing visions of filmmakers that we are honored to bring to Greater Boston.

This year, the judges have selected a film that will kick-off the 2017 Festival that is an homage to our Serbian community, representing the vision and passion of French as well as the Serbian communities.

THE PROMISE by director Zeljko Mirkovic

In a remote village in the north of Serbia, once known as a prosperous wine region, something unexpected has happened. A French family has moved into the poor village now nearly deserted.

They believe they have found a promised land for growing grapes and winemaking. But they have found only old people in the village, distrusting people, with old habits.

A new challenge awaits them back home in France – how to persuade sommeliers that superior wine can be made in an unknown and problematic region? Can they awaken hope and breathe a new life into the old village?  

Thus, THE PROMISE is born!

We invite you to join us as we kick-off this year’s Festival with

The New England Premiere of

The Promise by Director Zeljko Mirkovic

France, Belgium and Serbia | Doc | 74 min | 2016

Saturday, October 21, 7:30 PM

St. Sava Cathedral | 41 Alewife Brook Pkwy, Cambridge

Tickets $20

Celebrate the cultural encounter of…

Film – Wine – Hors d’oeuvres



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