The Arlington Int’l Film Festival would like to go on record publicly as supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement. We stand in solidarity with the protesters that are in the streets, challenging us to the demand of our government, equal and respectful policing of all people in the United States.
Murders, policing incidents, and lack of justice lapse; we express outrage and return to our lives until another incident draws our attention. But with the recent murders of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery we can no longer be passive and silently accepting of these atrocities that are happening blatantly in front of our eyes. Yes, we pray with heavy hearts for the families affected and for change but demonstrable actions and commitment are needed to effect real change. If we truly believe that George Floyd’s life and Ahmaud Arbery’s life was as important to us as the life of a white person, we must demand change and insist on equal rights for all.
For a decade, AIFF has celebrated the richness of the African American community through the art of filming, educational workshops, cultural events, and valued partnerships.
AIFF is committed and honored to continue screening films and sharing stories from our African American brothers and sisters. We recognize and appreciate their experiences and beliefs and will continue to offer a platform for their voices to be heard. Black Lives do Matter, in the United States, in Latin America, in Africa and around the world.
Elected officials must begin to take us seriously and understand that inequality and abuse will no longer be tolerated in our communities; otherwise, they will be replaced with others that reflect our views. We must raise our voices and let it be known that black and brown lives do matter and they matter as much to us as white lives. Let us join together and commit to action.
Our most effective weapon to fight racism is to VOTE!