Did you catch the film, 'PATRICK and the WHALE' in AIFF 2023?

Did you catch the film, 'PATRICK and the WHALE' in AIFF 2023?

if so, you may be interested in this week's news release.  


Patrick and the Whale 

Mark Fletcher | 2022 | Doc |Austria | East Coast Premiere

Trailer -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrSc2XZiW8s

This film follows Patrick Dykstra’s personal journey and explores the psychology of a man who has sacrificed everything in his single-minded quest to connect with and understand one of the biggest creatures in the ocean. Devoting years to following these mammals, we share his experiences through his stunning underwater footage as he explores their nature, their intelligence, and their complexity. 

This Week's News Release:

 M.I.T: A team of marine biologists and computer scientists found the phonetic alphabet of sperm whales features 18 rhythms, five tempos, three types of rubat  (variation in duration), and two extra clicks called ornamentation, which are modified depending on conversational context. Using machine learning algorithms, the scientists identified 143 regularly used combinations they believe structure a form of phonetic alphabet. They are now exploring whether these signals convey specific intentions, like making group decisions or coordinating hunts.

Sperm whales employ a system of communication much more sophisticated than previously believed, researchers revealed yesterday, using the equivalent of a phonetic alphabet that varies depending on context. The new study analyzed nearly 9,000 codas— short bursts of clicks—using AI to uncover vocal patterns and potential meanings in how the animals signaled to each other in their deep-sea environment. 

Scientists hope, with the help of AI, to eventually be able to communicate with the whales, which would be the first time humans have spoken with another species.